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Recognise a dedicated animal lover in our Book of Remembrance

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Create your own In Memory Tribute or search for a loved one

We’re pleased to announce the launch our online Book of Remembrance to say thank you to those who have supported our work with gifts in their will. Around half of our income comes from these gifts - without them we simply wouldn’t be able to continue our work to end the suffering of animals in laboratories.

If your loved one has already supported our work with a legacy gift, you’ll be able to find their name in the Book using the search function. We’ll be updating the book regularly in appreciation of these generous supporters.

In the Book you can also make an In Memory tribute for a loved one or animal companion and add photos, poems and stories to celebrate their lives. There is no obligation to donate, but you can also make an In Memory gift alongside your tribute to support our work for animals.

You’ll also find the story of Bonnie the rescue beagle in the Book as a reminder of how important our work is for animals in laboratories. Following a Cruelty Free International undercover investigation, Bonnie was rescued from a life of unimaginable cruelty in a laboratory. Gentle Bonnie now lives a wonderful life with Dr Katy Taylor, our Director of Science.

View our Book of Remembrance here.

If you have any queries about the Book of Remembrance, you can get in touch with our Remembrance and Legacy Manager, Angela Bunting on 0300 003 0577 (calls charged at local rate) or write to her at