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Donate monthly for a Cruelty-Free UK

Beagle in collar in lab



We need your help to end animal testing in the UK. Every day animals are suffering in cruel tests linked to the everyday products found in our homes. Your donation is vital to help us reach more parliamentary candidates and make sure they listen. Join the fight for a cruelty-free UK with a donation today.

Help us put an end to the use of animals in laboratories Your gift to them

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You are setting up a monthly donation. Setting up a regular donation is currently only available to UK-based bank account holders. If you are outside of the UK, please click here to make a single donation.
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How your gift helps


Could help us put pressure on governments to introduce legislation protecting animals


Could help us carry out research into non-animal test methods and make sure they are used


Could help us put investigators undercover in laboratories to collect evidence of animal suffering and expose it


Infographic of how your money is spent

How your money is spent

We couldn't fund our work for animals without your help. That's why we're committed to being transparent about where your donation goes.