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Bad news for #YorkshireBeagles

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High Court rules in East Yorkshire dog breeding farm case

We’ve today expressed grave disappointment following a decision by the High Court to effectively give the go ahead to a beagle breeding farm in Yorkshire.

B&K Universal Ltd wants female beagles to churn out litter after litter of puppies at its farm in East Yorkshire. The puppies will then be separated from their mothers and sent off to be experimented on. Their mothers will likely be kept as ‘breeding machines’ until they no longer ‘serve a purpose’ and are killed.

And while the dogs are incarcerated at the farm, they will never get to see the sky or feel grass under their paws.

The Home Office had previously given the green light to plans to expand the farm – without outside access for the dogs.  We think this is wrong, so today took them to the High Court in London.

The Home Office’s position logically means that outside runs for dogs could virtually never be provided.  And unfortunately the judge today defended that position.

Michelle Thew, CEO of Cruelty Free International, said: “The EU requirement for giving dogs used in highly unpleasant tests just a little protection has, with this judgement, been swept away. We are dismayed at the outcome of today's High Court case and will be considering with our lawyers whether to appeal.”

Together, we’ve campaigned against the development of the B&K beagle breeding farm for over five years.

Despite this dismaying set back, we must stand strong for dogs suffering in laboratories.  We’re the only hope they’ve got.

So please pledge now that you’ll do everything you can to fight cruel dog experiments – until the last cage is empty.