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Canadian Senate passes Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act

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Canada closer to joining global stand against cosmetics animal testing

Good news from Canada this week as the Canadian Senate passed the Cruelty Free Cosmetics Act. The bill seeks to ban cosmetics animal testing in Canada and forbid the sale of cosmetics that has been tested on animals anywhere in the world.

This exciting move happened just weeks after we handed in the largest petition in over 70 years to the Canadian Parliament with over 630,000 signatures supporting a ban on cosmetic animal testing. With your help we raised even more support than the Canadian Bill of Rights received back in 1949.

North America Campaign Manager, Monica Engebretson, said: “Canada now has a real opportunity to become the North American leader on this issue. By ending the sale of animal tested cosmetics, Canada can match global progress and meet the demands of consumers across Canada, who have demonstrated time and again that they support a Cruelty Free Canada.” 

The bill which was put forward by Senator Carolyn Stewart Olsen will now go to the Canadian House of Commons where it can be debated later this year.