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Australian Senate moves to end cosmetics animal testing

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Great news for Australia and another step closer to a cruelty free world

Good news from down under. We're delighted that the Australian Senate has this week passed measures banning new animal testing data for chemicals used as ingredients in cosmetics. 

The move is part of a package of bills on industrial chemicals. It had been postponed as campaigners tried to make the law stronger and more in step with the clear wishes of Australians, 85% of whom say they are against the use of animals in the development of cosmetics.

Agreement was reached when the Government committed to reinforcing measures to ‘explore’ and ‘subsequently incorporate’ further restrictions on new animal test data for the use of chemical ingredients in cosmetics in Australia. The measures will also help reduce reliance on animal testing and encourage the development of non-animal methods.

Cruelty Free International’s Director of Public Affairs Kerry Postlewhite said: “We congratulate the Australian Government, parliamentarians from across the country’s political parties, citizens and consumers who have campaigned hard and the animal protection organisations that worked tirelessly to achieve this result. This is great news for animals, great news for Australia and great news for moves to bring this cruel, outdated and unnecessary practice to an end globally, everywhere and forever.”