Beagle with pink eye mask and pink cape jumping into the image

Calling all Target Zero Heroes

Animals in laboratories need you to be their hero

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Calling all Target Zero Heroes

In 2021, there were over three million procedures on animals in laboratories in Britain.

That’s millions of animals suffering, many of them killed. But we can end this – if we have enough heroes speaking out for these animals, we can Target Zero animal experiments in the UK. Together, we are up to the challenge, and we’re already making a difference. The number of animal tests required to satisfy product safety rules fell by 24% last year. Painful skin sensitisation tests designed to check for allergic reactions also fell by 21% and, for the first time ever, there were zero eye irritation tests on animals in the UK. 

We want to build on these successes, but we can’t do it without you! Will you be a Target Zero Hero and stand up for animals in laboratories?

To Target Zero animal tests, we are campaigning for:

  • An ambitious government-led strategy to end experiments on animals
  • A government minister solely dedicated to leading a fast transition to animal free science

Join our growing group of Target Zero Heroes demanding action to reach Target Zero experiments on animals in the UK.

Our Target Zero Heroes

Our celebrity heroes are using their superpowers to help us call time on animal testing.

Take the pledge and join them by posting your own Target Zero picture on social media.

Feel free to add a cape and please tag us using #IAmATargetZeroHero


black and brown guinea pig

We need more heroes!

Spread the word

Ask friends and family to become heroes too...

You can be a Target Zero Hero too

Will you be a hero for animals in laboratories?
Here are some simple things you can do to be a Target Zero Hero for animals.

SAY NO to animal testing for cosmetics in the UK

subtitle: Animal testing for cosmetics and their ingredients must not be allowed to take place in the UK. Please sign and share our petition urging the Government to rule out ALL cosmetics animal testing.


Get yours now

subtitle: Show that you're a Target Zero Hero by showing off one of our new t-shirts or tote bags. Exclusively available to purchase from our online store.

Show your support

white and ginger cat lying down looking up on a black background



Will you give today to put pressure on the Government to target zero animal experiments? 

macaque monkey holding her baby


You can make a vital difference to animals in laboratories by signing up to receive our urgent campaign alerts. You’ll also be the first to hear about the latest appeals, campaigns and news on how you can support us to end animal research around the world!