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Thank you

Thank you so much for your kind support. Like you, we want no return to cruel cosmetics in the UK.

We truly believe that this is a fight worth having, and we could not be more grateful to have you on our side. Your support is helping to fund the legal costs of challenging the Government’s retrograde decision. Thank you for helping us fight to keep the ban.

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Will you be a hero for animals in laboratories?
Be a Target Zero Hero for animals in the UK.

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subtitle: Show that you're a Target Zero Hero by showing off one of our new t-shirts or tote bags. Exclusively available to purchase from our online store.

Show your support

SAY NO to animal testing for cosmetics in the UK

subtitle: Animal testing for cosmetics and their ingredients must not be allowed to take place in the UK. Please sign and share our petition urging the Government to rule out ALL cosmetics animal testing.