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Support the Humane Cosmetics Act

Show your support for a Cruelty Free USA!

Following campaigns led by Cruelty Free International and others including individuals like you, cruelty free cosmetics laws have now been passed by 11 US States (CA, IL, NV, VA, MD, HI, ME, NJ, LA, NY, OR). What’s more over 42 countries including neighboring Canada and Mexico have passed restrictions on testing and trade in animal tested cosmetics.

 It’s time for a Cruelty Free USA - which is why we're urging US Representatives to support the Humane Cosmetics Act!

The Humane Cosmetics Act would end animal testing for cosmetics across the United States ensuring that animals are not harmed in cruel and outdated tests for the sake of cosmetics nationwide.

YOU can help make a difference for animals by completing our quick form asking your US Representative to support the Humane Cosmetics Act.