Government scrutiny body says duplicate animal testing may be needed post-Brexit
We have written to Secretary of State for the Environment, Michael Gove, urging him to urgently publicise the government’s plans to ensure that no duplicate animal testing takes place in the UK after Brexit.
The UK is turning existing EU REACH chemicals regulation into national law and a report by the Regulatory Policy Committee, a body set up to independently monitor the work of government departments, highlights that there is a very real possibility of more animal suffering.
In its report about plans for the creation of a UK regulatory authority to replace the work of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), the Committee says there “may be a negative impact on animal welfare” in a scenario where data sharing with ECHA does not happen. It also says that firms “may be required to duplicate animal testing” in this transition phase.
Our Director of Public Affairs, Kerry Postlewhite, said: “Too many animals have already suffered and died so that companies can register their chemicals with the ECHA under REACH rules. To have to repeat those tests because there is no mechanism for sharing safety data is abhorrent. The Secretary of State has repeatedly stated that Brexit is an opportunity for the government to improve levels of animal protection. What is he doing to make one hundred per cent sure that there is no risk that cruel animal tests already carried out will have to be carried out again?”
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