Fundraise for animals

Become a fundraiser and help end animal experiments worldwide

Fundraising is a fantastic way to help animals in laboratories. Not only do our supporters raise vital funds for countless dogs, guinea pigs, mice, rats, rabbits, monkeys and other animals around the world, but our fundraisers are some of our loudest, proudest advocates – spreading the word about animal experiments around the world.

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Fundraise for animals

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Beagle puppy looking up with mouth open

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Telephone fundraising

We’ve got a dedicated friendly inhouse telephone fundraising team. The team updates supporters about our work and other ways people can get involved and show their support.   

The team is highly knowledgeable and committed to protecting animals all over the world. And they love having the chance to speak to supporters about the work of Cruelty Free International.  

The team will call from 020 7619 6981 and we'll only call you if we have your permission to do so. And we make sure that we adhere to the Code of Fundraising Practice. 

If you do have any questions or concerns, or want to verify it’s us who are calling, please get in touch with our Supporter Care team on 0207 700 4888 or